What’s going on out on the land?

Wolf Trees, Stink Horns and Carrion Beetles
byron murray byron murray

Wolf Trees, Stink Horns and Carrion Beetles

As I looked down at the leaf litter, I noticed quick movement and a small flash of orange and my heart began to sing. My hand shot so fast into the gooey death stenched Cedar leaves faster than anyone could see. Before anyone registered what I had done I was cradling a critter in my closed palm and I felt them defecate their lunch of corpse into my palm. Again kids, never do as I do.

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White Fragility and Fake Blues in a Blue Jay Feather

White Fragility and Fake Blues in a Blue Jay Feather

Lighter or whiter parts of feathers break down more readily. One of the reasons is that darker feathers contain different pigments. The pigments make them stronger and more resilient in the face of harsher conditions. Additionally, white and blue aren’t real colours at all but structural colours created by the structure of the feather itself. Check it out.

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