What’s going on out on the land?

What’s Up With The Ice Crystals On The Path?
winter, phenomena byron murray winter, phenomena byron murray

What’s Up With The Ice Crystals On The Path?

It happens every year in the forest where I work. The Eastern White Cedar leaves which litter the ground are lifted away from the trail by strange columnar ice formations. The ice crystals, reminded me of Superman’s “Fortress of Solitude” but I just wasn’t sure what was going on? I had to look it up.

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First Wildflowers of 2022
wildflowers, flower, Spring, forest byron murray wildflowers, flower, Spring, forest byron murray

First Wildflowers of 2022

I think Crocus’ and Snowdrops may be beautiful, but they are certainly overrated. They may herald the warmer months and the coming of Spring, but they’ve been planted as early evidences and don’t have the same force that some of the native plants have. This spring has been cooler than last year, but seems to be on pace with 2020 for early season blossoms. I am noticing the leaves of Trout Lily along the trails and Wild Leeks in the open woods and even the small dark shoots of Blue Cohosh just coming up in the deeper forests. None of the species mentioned above though have been flowering. Who did I see in flower?

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In search of the Wild Heart of the Forest
search, wild heart, forest, woods byron murray search, wild heart, forest, woods byron murray

In search of the Wild Heart of the Forest

Now is the time of year when things get dark and wet and quiet in the forest. When the tall dead stalks of the Joe Pye sway in the wind hoping to loose some seed in the blustery wind. When the mud is thick along the trails and the fallen leaves, once green, then yellow, turn to brown and black. This is when I search for the Wild Heart of the Forest.
I go out to sit, and listen. To the wind, the river and my own breathing, harmonizing with the chilling world. I go out to wander, and look. To the tracks, the trees, and the stars peering down from a distance unfathomable. I go out to be with the world, a wilder place than my home, a place I long to know more.

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