Ep. 156 : WITCHBODY with Sabrina Scott


Can we imagine a living piece of trash? Can we remember that magic exists and flows through all things, including that trash, the sidewalk, the tires sunk in the bottom of the river? Maybe respect and honour are not just for the pretty things, the magical things like a candle, or a plant, or the multitude of stars.

Sabrina Scott asks us to take all beings into account, allowing for their identities to remind us that the world is a breathing, heaving, mass of being - from our own bodies we hold so high, down to the vaccines and microbes which populate all things.

Sabrina identifies as a witch. No no, not the tall black hat, broom and cat… (well, maybe a cat), but instead as someone who engages with the material and immaterial consciously and with care and consideration reaching for a broad understanding and engagement that recognizes the beingness of all objects and forms of life.

We discuss their book “Witchbody”, magic in the anthropogenic space, gender essentialism in witchy cosmologies, and a bunch more. It was a lot of fun.

Sabrina Scott’s website

Sabrina Scott’s presentation at CRASSH


Ep. 157 : Wood Thrush


Ep. 155 : Lisa Walsh and Contemporary Range Expansion of the Virginia Opossum